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Posts by Pastor Seth Alcorn

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Part 3: Should Children Have Their Own Service? Developing a Family Culture in Corporate Worship


As we have gone through this series of articles together, I am sure anyone with a child in worship looked in anticipation to this one more than any other. There is a desire in us that says, “tell me what to do”— but we must learn why first. We need to be driven by our convictions so when things get tough, we will not abandon the course. May I say, if you are embarkin...

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Part 2: Should Children Have Their Own Worship Service? History and Unintended Consequences


In the last article, we looked at what the Bible says about children being present in corporate worship. Here we address the unintended consequences, along with a brief history of how children’s church was developed. Again, I want to reiterate, I am not seeking to insult people who serve in children’s church, and I do not think this is a tier one issue. However, there ...

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Part 1: Should Children Have Their Own Worship Service: What Does the Bible Say?


While the topic of children’s church is not forbidden in Scripture, we certainly cannot take a cavalier attitude to the topic. It is most certain that the Israel’s worship in the Old Testament and churches of the New Testament knew nothing of an age-segregated worship or “children’s church.”...

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Conversations from the Barber's Chair

Barbers Chair

I must confess it has been some time since I went to the barbershop. About four years ago, I began shaving my head completely because my forehead kept growing and my bald spot was about to meet my forehead. But about 10 years ago when I was still visiting stylists, I sat down in the chair of a barber who was cutting my then-remaining hair for the first time, and the sub...

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Discipling Our Teenage Children

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The teenage years are ones that, if honest, most parents will admit they dread. Why? We all know about the vulnerabilities of teen life and remember our own struggles during those formative years. Many people have told me that they would not go back and relive their teen years for “all the money in the world,” a sentiment with which I heartily concur (and we’re only...

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We All Need a “Sam” in Our Lives

Purple and Black Illustrative Happy Friendship Day Facebook Post (Instagram Post)

I must confess that although I love the Lord of the Rings series, I have not completed the books! It remains on my unending list of things to do and read. This well-loved classic from J.R.R. Tolkien is not only a great story, but for believers, a delight in seeing Christian themes embedded throughout the series. For example: the bearing of sin in Frodo carrying the ring. O...

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Evangelism Trends are Usually Rooted in Bad Theology

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Christians in most American churches are encouraged to evangelize – which means sharing the gospel with unbelievers and calling them to faith and repentance in Jesus Christ. This highly appropriate activity is rooted in the words of the New Testament and obedience to our Lord who commands us to make disciples. Yet while we see many circles and pockets of Christendom “...

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Love Your Pastor's Wife!

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I want to share just a few things a church and its members should consider in relating to a pastor’s wife, because honestly few people know what it is like to be in a pastor’s home. Unless you hear it straight from the horse’s mouth, how could you know? So here goes....

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Why Do People Lose Interest in Church?

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The other day my son asked me why people who used to go to church stop going, presenting a “teachable moment” on the importance of church in the Christian life. My son was observing a behavior that was already a tendency in the first-century church, as seen when the writer of Hebrews instructed his readers to “not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, as the ...

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Leaving Legalism Behind: A Call for Caution

Leaving Legalism Behind A Call for Caution

Last week we sought to define legalism, with an emphasis on the particular form of legalism that I have experienced in my former life as an Independent Fundamentalist Baptist: elevating one’s personal preferences to the level of doctrine, or insisting on them to bind the conscience of another believer. ...

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Lessons from the Story of Jefferson: The Genius Founding Father with a Duplicitous Life - Part 2

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Last week we reviewed two lessons for Christians from the life of Founder, patriot, president and prodigy Thomas Jefferson, as drawn from the biography Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power. Let’s move right into lesson 3!...

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Lessons from the Story of Jefferson: The Genius Founding Father with a Duplicitous Life; Part 1

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My most recently completed presidential biography is Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power by John Meacham. My conclusion: the only things he and I have in common is being proud Virginians and sinners. (And I wasn’t born in Virginia, so I guess even that one does not fully count.) ...

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Why I am a Reformed Baptist

Seth- reformed Baptist blog

An old saying holds that the two topics that are off-limits in conversation are politics and religion. But as Christians, we can hardly avoid or minimize the second topic: it’s in fact a conversation we’re commanded to have with unbelievers (to witness) and believers (to exhort and edify) alike! One especially unavoidable conversation – and one that is nearly certa...

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Why You Need an Adult Bible Fellowship

Adult Bible Fellowship- Blog

The importance of a Christian’s relationship to a local church cannot be overstated. As a matter of fact, 1 John 2:19 states that permanent separation from the church and the Gospel demonstrates one is not actually a Christian. The church is so important for us because it gives us a sense of identity. No matter what type of family we have, what job we work, what other s...

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The Strange New World

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At Flat Run, we are about to start a new Adult Bible Fellowship series entitled “Christian Worldview in Gender and Sexuality.” In so doing, we’re responding to the speed with which the LGBTQ+ agenda has overrun our nation, for example, overtaking entire corporations like Disney. The “House of Mouse” once produced wholesome family films, but is now driven by the a...

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Life Lessons from President Chester A. Arthur Part II: A Corrupt Politician Who Became a Decent Pre

Chester A. Arthur

Last week we dove into the realm of American presidential history and looked at some life lessons from Chester A. Arthur – a corrupt politician who, in the providential will of God, became president and helped change the course of the nation....

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Life Lessons from President Chester A. Arthur: A Corrupt Politician Who Became a Decent President

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After going through Scott Greenberger’s excellent volume The Unexpected President: The Life and Times of Chester A. Arthur, five principles emerged that I wanted to address from a Christian worldview....

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A Pastoral Letter to Parents with Unbaptized Children

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I want to share a few practical suggestions as to when your child might be ready to take part in this ordinance/sacrament. I confess this is a delicate dance because Baptists adhere to believer’s baptism, which occurs only upon a profession of faith in Christ....

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What I Learned from My Look Back at Gangsta Rap

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Music can be a really touchy topic, if not a proverbial “third rail.” At times I am asked whether Christians can listen to “secular” music. After wrestling with the question, I’ve come to a firm, unshakeable conclusion: it depends. ...

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How Should Preachers Handle Mark’s “Longer Ending?”

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So now to the main event: how should Biblically faithful preachers and study leaders handle the LE (Longer Ending)? As best as I can tell, there are three possible approaches: ignore it; teach through Mark 16 as one full unit or sermon/lesson; or teach through the seemingly orthodox portions of Mark 16:9-20 alongside clearly Scriptural passages from other Gospels. ...

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Where does the Gospel of Mark End?

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While most of Mark is straightforward, there is one section that is highly controversial. As a matter of fact, the controversy I am speaking of goes all the way back to the early days of the church. This is the controversy we will deal with in the next two blogs and it is whether or not Mark 16:9-20 is the original ending of Mark....

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The Benefits of “Theological Triage”

Theological TRiage

My wife has a very rare condition that causes her to go into anaphylactic shock. Twice she almost died, and another time we had to call 911. Her worst allergic reaction dropped her blood pressure to 40/23. But by God’s grace, my wife is still with me, and I cannot imagine life without her. She now carries an EpiPen everywhere she goes, or she gets an earful from me! Why ...

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What Version of the Bible Do We Use?

Bible versions

One topic that has often been controversial in the Evangelical realm is what Bible version should be used? In the context that I was reared and trained initially for ministry, this was a question that caused a lot of contention and even division. Churches at times have split over which Bible to use. This is altogether unnecessary, but it happens. The purpose of this blog i...

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Tribute to my Dad


The normal way of life should be that a boy’s first hero is his dad. In the troubled times of our 21st century life, many boys are not afforded this sacred treasure because of the breakdown of the home. I am not a sociologist, but it is certain the reason our culture has shattered into millions of pieces is because this foundational block of a civil society lies in ruin....

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What Should I Wear to Church?

What to Wear to Church BLOG

One conversation that tends to engender passionate feelings in Evangelical circles revolves around what to wear to Sunday services. I recently heard one pastor’s rather smart aleck answer: whenever people ask him what to wear to his church, he replies, “Clothes.” While the response is meant to be funny and put people at ease, it’s not especially useful or informati...

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Four Views on Hell

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Much of the reading in graduate studies is like a blur because there’s so much to digest in such a short time. But one of the most memorable books that I read in sem...

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Feeding the Dead Nutritious Meals


My wife and I can be morbid. Over the last several months, we have discovered a YouTube channel where a mortician answers questions about her practices and life’s vocation. It is fascinating – but again, we can be morbid! Being a pastor, I have been around the dead quite a bit. I can still remember the first time I went to the hospital and sat with a member and her...

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How Often Should We Take the Lord’s Supper?

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The partaking of the Lord’s Supper in many churches is like the national anthem before a sporting event. Everyone is used to it. Everyone participates. One person leads it. However, the national anthem is often treated like nothing but an ancient ritual we want to get past to get to the game. ...

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A Mother’s Day Tribute

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According to Encyclopedia Britannica, Mother’s Day came about after a Philadelphia mother held a memorial service for her mother in 1907. Seven years later, President Woodrow Wilson made it a national holiday in 1914. The idea of having a day to celebrate our mothers is a wonderful idea. Few roles in life are as sacrificial and selfless as that of a parent. You pour your...

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What A Bad Sermon Delivery Reminded Me About Good Sermon Methodology

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I am a perfectionist is some areas of life. I am not advocating theological perfectionism, but rather confessing to the personality construct of feeling like you always have more to do in a certain area and you are never satisfied with it. This is something many people deal with, but more on that in a moment....

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Should you go to church while on vacation?

To church

In short, yes! I guess I could end there, but that would be a really short blog, would it not? It is clear that everything is not black and white in the Scriptures and clinging tightly to one’s interpretation or preference on every matter imaginable is not wise or charitable. However, this one is a matter I think is important for your spiritual health and that of your fa...

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Crash-and-Burn Sermon Endings and Questions from Young Parishioners

Isaiah 408 “The grass withers, the flowers fall, but the Word of our God endures forever.”

Ending a sermon well has always been difficult for me. Preaching can be likened to flying an airplane. The introduction is the takeoff. The exposition is the actual flight. The conclusion is the landing. And oh, my, have I had some crash-and-burn landings! Maybe at the top of the list was the time I forgot the lyrics to a song I was going to recite! After fumbling and mu...

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Why is God’s Justice So Severe at Times?

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One passage in the Bible that is rather hard to reconcile is the story of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5:1-11, during the infant stages of the Jerusalem church as the apostles were leading the body. Desiring to impress other church members, Ananias and Sapphira sold property they owned and donated a portion of the proceeds. While this was a noble move, they lied in saying ...

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Basketball Buzzer-Beaters and God’s Common Grace

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I can never remember a time in my life when I did not love the game of basketball. Some of my earliest memories are basketball games that I played in or went to watch. In the spring of 1992, I can still remember watching Christian Laettner hit the game-winning basket to send Duke to the Final Four against Kentucky in one of the greatest college basketball games of all time...

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Don’t Judge Expository Preaching

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In my last post, I talked about what I believe is the best method of exposing the people of God to the Word of God on the Lord’s Day. I am convinced that this is done through expository preaching. However, I am not so naïve to think that every expository sermon is done in a 5-star fashion and there are times when it is not modeled well. I want to help correct some misco...

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The Church-Building Benefits of Expository Preaching

Bible Verse

A decisive factor in choosing a church is the preaching – and rightly so because sound doctrine and healthy teaching are referenced frequently in the New Testament. Yet all too often we judge preaching based on the style and the communication skills of the preacher and not necessarily his content or method. Is the preacher funny? Does he inspire me? But better question...

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Why You Need a Pastor and Not a Celebrity on Sundays

Free Parking

Human beings have always wanted someone to look up to who is bigger than themselves. The infatuation we have with superheroes in America proves the point. We realize that as frail, feeble human beings, someone else must provide what we indeed do not have for ourselves. This celebrity status of vesting our hopes and dreams in another is something we are all tempted to do. ...

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The Corrosive Nature of a Grudge

The Corrosive Nature of a Grudge

One of the most lethal forms of spiritual corrosion is bitterness that leads to a grudge. I have never yet known a person who did not either hold a grudge against someone or felt he or she had a reason to. Yet examples and admonitions from Scripture show us why holding a grudge is wrong and how dangerous it can be in the life of a Christian:...

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Let’s Cut “Preacher’s Kids” Some Slack

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Stereotypes are rarely true and often offensive, which means they should be challenged whenever possible. That’s especially true of the stereotypes about “preachers’ kids.” This is a subject I can address with some confidence since I have been a pastor’s son since age 11, and my children have known nothing but their dad being a pastor. ...

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God is Always Near!

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Recently I wondered to myself: do other Christians sometimes not “feel” God’s nearness? Not a day or so later, I heard a famous preacher speak about seasons in life when God seems distant. I guess I am not the only one after all! In fact, the Bible is full of stories of people of God who felt a distance from their Creator. We may be tempted to think that those who h...

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What do Martin Luther, maggots, and modern Christians have in common?

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How did Martin Luther really feel about the term "Lutherans"-- and how does this apply to modern Christians? ...

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Problems and Procedures in Pastoral Calling and Placement

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I imagine the average church member is about as interested in procedures of pastoral placement as they are parliamentary procedures of the United States Senate. The topic sounds about as interesting as watching grass grow Yet what if I told you that one of the many factors contributing to the challenges facing American Evangelical Christianity is the way pastors are place...

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How then shall we worship?

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It seems like Evangelicalism’s so-called “worship wars” go back just a few generations – but as a matter of fact, the church throughout its history has wrestled with changing music, instrumentation and styles in its public worship services....

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The Evils of Pornography and the Need of Repentance

The Evils of Pornography and the need for reptenance

There are some conversations that no one wants to have but we all need to have. The issue of pornography is one elephant in the room that needs to be discussed. But where do we even begin with such a difficult conversation?...

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Biblical Solutions for a Doubting Christian

Blessed assurance

Our last blog post addressed reasons why a person may doubt his or her salvation. This topic is near and dear to me because I too struggled with this challenge in years past. As I have studied the Scriptures, I identified Biblical four responses that God has used in my own life that may help other sufferers doubting their salvation....

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Why Do Christians Doubt Their Salvation?

Black and white Persevere in Prayer Inspirational Instagram Post

There are few things more debilitating to a Christian than doubts about his or her salvation. I know about this firsthand, both because I have had seasons of doubt and because all pastors face this challenge in the lives of their members. So, it’s critical to know how to converse with them about these doubts....

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Where Were You February 18, 2019?

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February 18, 2019 is probably not a big day for you unless you had a child born that day. While I doubt anyone remembers where they were that day, I sure do! It was my first Sunday as Pastor of Flat Run Church....

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Is It Possible for a True Christian to Backslide?


Is it possible for a true Christian to backslide? The answer depends on our definition of the term. If by backsliding, we mean that our enthusiasm and vigor for Christ can begin to wane, then it is certainly possible. We see the church of Ephesus going through this in Revelation 2:4 where Jesus in rebuke says, “But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the lov...

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Being a Christian Teacher is Serious Business

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In November 2022, I celebrated 20 years since I preached my first sermon. I am still shocked that it was this long ago. During those two decades, I have come to appreciate, respect and even revere not just the teaching office of pastor, but also any teaching role in a church. ...

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Christ is Our Resume. So Stop Producing One in Every Conversation

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Our accomplishments are nothing, but “rubbish” compared to the worth of Christ....

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